Kazumi FUJITA : chaabee
“chaabee means the key in Hindu. It represents the chance to open one’s mind to new things.”
“I just want to keep doing what I’m interested in,” she said while smiling naturally and sitting in chaabee. After graduating from musical college, Kazumi joined a music label company as a manager and worked so hard for several years. On one occasion, she noticed just how completely exhausted she was, which was when she decided that it was time for her to leave the company and study Hindu in India. “An Indian couple who I met in my childhood looked so exotic and appealing.” While in India, she became addicted to India’s unique atmosphere. Afterwards when she came back to Japan, she worked in the acoustic instrument industry as she also majored in audiology in Australia. Then she wanted to create a place for fledgling creators and musicians to compose, and hold events and exhibitions. She began looking for property around this area and finally found this old ironworks factory which had been vacant for 15 years.
There is always something going on at chaabee; music concerts, crafts and clothes exhibitions, storytelling for adults, foreign cultural events and more. Drop by and have a cup of coffee. You’ll notice you’re opening the door to a whole range of new experiences.
Shop Informations
ADRESS:1-11-11 Fukuzumi,Koto,Tokyo,Japan
OPEN: Monday to Friday 1:00pm-10:00pm *irregular open hours & holidays
URL: https://www.facebook.com/Chaabee-1591663487794135/
☎︎ +81 80-5409-5099